1. Introduction
The Brant and District Football Club (BDFC) is a non-profit corporation established to operate minor football programs in Brantford and the surrounding area under the team name; Brantford Bisons. The BDFC functions through a duly elected Board of directors who are responsible for the effective governance and stewardship of the organization and are guided by the laws of Canada and Ontario, our vision, values and mission, and our policies and procedures.
As individual Board members, we strive to conduct ourselves in accordance with the highest personal, professional and business standards, including compliance with all laws and regulations that apply to the BDFC. This Code of Conduct is an expression of how we demonstrate integrity, due diligence, and commitment to these standards in our involvement in the BDFC as Board members.
2. Our Reputation – Upholding BDFC’s Name
The BDFC has developed a reputation for leadership and collaboration. We strive to uphold that reputation by speaking with one voice and conveying a positive image of our organization. We act in accordance with our values. Our decision-making processes encourage open discussion and participation. We make decisions that are in the best interests of the BDFC as a Board while Board members who disagree with these decisions have the option of requesting that their dissent be recorded. However, once a decision has been made by the Board, directors speak with one voice, supporting the Board’s decision. When we speak to an audience as a representative of the BDFC, we present the BDFC’s positions and views, rather than our personal opinions. Individual directors may hold positions of leadership in other professional or community associations, where they may be viewed as spokespersons for those groups. In such situations, we ensure that we are seen as speaking as individuals and not as directors of or spokespersons for the BDFC. We use the BDFC’s assets legally and for authorized purposes and in a manner appropriate to our organization. A Board member using the BDFC’s computer database or electronic mail system complies with any internal policies and procedures that guide the storage, use and transmission of information through this medium. We have an obligation to comply with both the letter and the spirit of the guidelines contained in this Code. As individuals, we have a responsibility to raise issues and concerns through the appropriate channels.
3. Professional Behaviour
We understand our respective roles and responsibilities within the BDFC and strive to fulfill them. We comply with our governing and operational policies and procedures. We conduct our business following legal and ethical practices, and within the best interests of our organization. We deal fairly and openly in all our business relationships, provided conditions of quality, reliability and competitiveness are met. We strive to ensure our decision-making is not compromised or perceived to be compromised. We aim to avoid conflicts of interest that could interfere or be perceived to interfere with our judgment in making decisions in the BDFC’s best interests and/or that could result in personal gain. We depend on the integrity of all Board members who have knowledge of a decision or activity of the BDFC that involves or might involve a conflict of interest to disclose the circumstances to the Board. We accept or offer gifts, entertainment or benefits in the normal exchanges of business relationships. We do not accept or offer entertainment, gifts or benefits which grant or appear to grant preferential treatment for the BDFC or by the BDFC. We respect the confidentiality of our Board members. We protect any personal information about our players, parents, coaches or volunteers that may be in our possession. We disclose confidential or personal information only when appropriate approval has been received, or we are required to do so by law. We do not use confidential information for personal benefit or to benefit a third party. Our behavior with colleagues and those with whom we do business is respectful, courteous, fair and dignified.
4. Commitment to Learning
We support the growth and development for our players and coaches. We provide learning opportunities for Board members that focus on their governance role within the BDFC. By extending these opportunities to others, we encourage the development of leaders within our community.
Mission Statement
To provide youth, who reside in the Brantford and surrounding area, the opportunity to play tackle football and to learn sportsmanship, fair play and the life skills that are needed to succeed. Their skills will be upgraded, and opportunities provided for them to continue their football careers through education.
Article 1 - Definitions
- Definitions........................................................................................................................................ 4
- Registered Office.............................................................................................................................. 4
Article 2 - By-Laws and Policies
- By-Laws........................................................................................................................................... 5
- Amendments..................................................................................................................................... 5
- Special By-Laws............................................................................................................................... 5
- Dissolution........................................................................................................................................ 5
- Proviso.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Article 3 - Membership and Meetings
- Voting Members of BDFC................................................................................................................ 5
- Termination of Membership............................................................................................................. 5
- Membership Meetings....................................................................................................................... 5
- Quorum............................................................................................................................................ 5
- Membership Meeting Notice............................................................................................................. 6
- Voting............................................................................................................................................... 6
- Business at Annual General Meeting................................................................................................. 6
- Business at Special Membership Meeting.......................................................................................... 6
- Agenda............................................................................................................................................. 6
3.10 Availability of Minutes..................................................................................................................... 6
Article 4 - Board of Directors
- Eligibility.......................................................................................................................................... 9
- Board of Directors............................................................................................................................ 9
- BDFC Board of Director Meetings.................................................................................................... 9
- Quorum............................................................................................................................................ 9
- Payment............................................................................................................................................ 9
- Declared Vacant............................................................................................................................. 10
- Terms and Limits of Office............................................................................................................ 10
- Positions on the Board.................................................................................................................... 10
- Responsibilities of the Board.......................................................................................................... 10
- Voting Rights and Procedures at Board Meetings............................................................................ 10
- Termination of a Director............................................................................................................... 10
- Coaching Restriction………………………………………………………………………………………11
Article 5 – Position of the Board of Directors
- President......................................................................................................................................... 12
- Vice President – Business Operations............................................................................................. 12
- Vice-President - Finance................................................................................................................. 12
- Vice-President – Football Operations.............................................................................................. 12
- Registration Director....................................................................................................................... 12
- Equipment Director #1.................................................................................................................... 12
TABLE of CONTENTS – Continued
- Equipment Director #2.................................................................................................................... 12
- Varsity Director............................................................................................................................... 12
- Junior Director................................................................................................................................ 12
- Flag Director................................................................................................................................... 12
- Concession Director......................................................................................................................... 12
- Website/Media Director................................................................................................................... 12
- Past Board Member.......................................................................................................................... 12
5.14 Positions and Duties........................................................................................................................ 12
Article 6 - Committees
- Establishing Committees................................................................................................................. 13
- Duties and Powers of Committees................................................................................................... 13
- Committee Recommendations......................................................................................................... 13
- Other Duties of Committees............................................................................................................ 13
- Chairing of Committees.................................................................................................................. 13
- Budget Sub-Committee................................................................................................................... 13
- Executive Committee...................................................................................................................... 13
Article 7 - Organization and Administration
- Affiliation....................................................................................................................................... 14
- Membership List............................................................................................................................. 14
- Membership Fees............................................................................................................................ 14
- Banking........................................................................................................................................... 14
- Financial......................................................................................................................................... 15
- Liability and Indemnification of Directors...................................................................................... 15
- Execution of Documents................................................................................................................. 15
- Books and Records......................................................................................................................... 15
- Computation of Time...................................................................................................................... 15
- Omissions and Errors...................................................................................................................... 15
- Methods of Giving Notice............................................................................................................... 16
- Policies and Procedures................................................................................................................... 16
- Confidentiality................................................................................................................................ 16
- Communication ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Article 8 - Conflict of Interest
- Conflict of Interest.......................................................................................................................... 17
- Types of Conflict of Interest........................................................................................................... 17
Article 9 Effective Date................................................................................................................................ 17
- Definitions
In these by-laws and other by-laws of Brant and District Football Club, unless the context otherwise specifies or requires:
- “BDFC” is understood to mean the Brant and District Football Club.
- “Club” is understood to mean the Brant and District Football Club.
- “By-law” is understood to mean any by-law of BDFC, including any special by-law that is in force and effect, and may be amended from time to time at an annual general meeting or special meeting of the voting membership.
- The singular shall include the plural and the plural shall include the singular. The masculine shall include the feminine also.
- “Member” is understood to mean an individual who has been admitted into the membership of BDFC pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.01 – Voting Members of BDFC.
- “Board” is understood to mean the Board of Directors of BDFC.
- “Executive Director” and “Executive” shall consist of the following positions within the Board of Directors.
President, Vice-President – Business Operations, Vice-President – Finance, Vice-President – Football Operations
- “Director” is understood to mean an individual who has been elected to the Board of Directors of BDFC.
- "OFFL" is understood to mean the Ontario Fall Football League.
- “OCFL" refers to the Ontario Community Football League
- OSFL" is understood to mean Ontario Summer Football League
- “FC” refers to Football Canada, the recognized National Sports Organization (NSO) governing body
- "FO" is understood to mean the Provincial Governing Body, Football Ontario “Corporations Act” means the Ontario Corporations Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 38, and any statute amending or enacted in substitution therefore, from time to time.
- “Policies and Procedures” is understood to mean the written statements contained in the BDFC Policy and Procedure Manual, which governs issues affecting the affairs of the club, and have been considered and approved by the Board of Directors of the BDFC.
- All terms defined in the Ontario Corporations Act have the same meaning in this By-Law and all other by-laws and resolutions of the BDFC.
- “Chair” is understood to mean any member of the “Executive” that has attended two (2) consecutive meetings prior can request to chair an upcoming monthly meeting. Person acting as chair may only vote to break a tie.
- “Interim” is understood to mean the completion of the current term ending at the next Annual General Meeting. Incomplete “Executive” terms will be available at the Annual General Meeting for a one-year period in order to keep the “Executive” roll over on a two (2) year schedule.
- Registered Office
The registered head office of the Brant and District Football Club is located at 245 King George Road, Suite 116, Brantford, Ontario, N3R 7Z9. The registered head office shall be in the City of Brantford, in the Province of Ontario and thereafter as the BDFC may from time to time determine by special resolution of the members pursuant to the Corporations Act.
- By-Laws All members must abide by and act consistently with the by-laws of BDFC. The membership privileges of any member who fails to do so may be revoked. Copies of the by-laws are on file with the Vice-President - Business Operations and are available for viewing by any member in good standing of BDFC upon written request to the Vice-President - Business Operations.
- Amendments A by-law of BDFC may be amended only by no less than a two-thirds majority vote of all eligible voting members of BDFC in attendance at the annual general meeting or any other special membership meeting called solely for the purpose of considering the amendments.
Any proposed amendments to the by-laws of BDFC must be submitted in writing to the Vice-President – Business Operations of BDFC at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the annual general meeting of BDFC and at least twenty-one
(21) days prior to any other meeting of the members of BDFC. Any proposed amendments not submitted with proper notice will be put on hold for the agenda of the next meeting of the membership. Under no circumstances will an amendment be considered without the proper advance notice procedures being followed. This is necessary to ensure that the membership of BDFC is properly informed and able to make careful consideration of the proposed amendment(s).
- Special By-Laws It is understood and allowed by the current by-law that special by-laws may be enacted to comply with changes made by the associations and/or leagues that the BDFC belongs to. These special by-laws may be enacted by a simple majority vote at a regular monthly meeting. The special by-law will be adhered to by the Board until the next annual general meeting, at which point the special by-law must be passed in accordance with Section 2.02 of this By-Law.
- Dissolution On the winding up or dissolution of BDFC the assets remaining, after all debts have been paid or provisions for their payment has been made, shall be paid, transferred, and delivered to one or more sports programs within the City of Brantford, which shall be chosen by the current Board of Directors of BDFC on record. That, if the organization should dissolve, provides for the distribution of the organization’s assets and property held or acquired from the proceeds of licensed lottery event (i.e., lottery trust accounts or property purchased with lottery proceeds) to charitable organization that are eligible to receive lottery proceeds in Ontario. The organization’s members will not derive any gain from the organization, and that any profits will be used solely to promote the organization’s objectives.
- Proviso The repeal of all prior By-Laws of the BDFC shall not impair in any way the validity of any act or thing done pursuant to any such repealed by-law.
- Voting Members of BDFC
- Parents or guardians of registered player(s), under the age of eighteen (18), of the previous calendar year, to a maximum of two votes per family unit.
- Current Board of Directors of BDFC.
- A person who has volunteered their time, to a minimum of forty hours, for the betterment of BDFC and has applied in writing twenty-one (21) days in advance for approval by the Board of Directors for inclusion as a voting member for the current season only.
- Registered player, of the previous calendar year, who is eighteen (18) years or older.
- Head Coaches, assistant coaches, and team managers for the previous calendar year.
- Termination of Membership
- Membership in the BDFC shall not be transferable and shall terminate upon a member’s resignation or death.
- Members may resign from the BDFC by submitting a resignation in writing addressed to the Vice-President - Business Operations who in turn notifies the appropriate Board members.
- Members in good standing shall be those admitted to membership under the provisions of Section 3.01 and who have paid all required fees to the BDFC. Members whose fees are in arrears for a period of two (2) months shall be suspended from membership and not permitted to vote, make nominations or hold office in the BDFC. The Vice-President - Business Operations shall inform those concerned of this suspension in writing.
- Any member whose conduct is considered by the Board to be contrary to Section 2.01 or to the mission of the BDFC shall be asked by the Board to explain or justify their actions. If these member(s) are unwilling or unable to do so, or the Board finds their explanation insufficient, they shall be asked by the Board to resign from the BDFC. If they do not resign, the Board shall give proper notice of motion to be considered at the next Board meeting requesting the expulsion of these members. A copy of this motion shall be communicated to the member(s) concerned within a reasonable period for the person(s) to make a written response. If a response is made, it shall be circulated with the notice of motion. Approval of such a motion shall require a two- thirds majority in a ballot conducted at the meeting. The member(s) concerned shall be invited to attend the meeting and to explain their position before the vote is taken but cannot be present during discussion of the motion or during the vote.
- Membership Meetings
- Annual General Meeting: The annual general meeting (AGM) of BDFC shall be held at a date, time and place established by the board of directors. The board shall always attempt to schedule the annual general meeting within the last two weeks of January.
- Special Membership Meeting: The Board of Directors of BDFC shall at any time with a two thirds majority vote call a special meeting of the BDFC membership.
- Quorum
A quorum for an Annual General Meeting or Special Membership Meeting shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) members eligible to vote and present in person. No business shall be transacted in the absence of a quorum except to take measures to obtain a quorum, to establish the time which to adjourn, or to take a recess.
Article 3 – Membership and Meetings
- Membership Meeting Notice
Notice of the Annual General Meeting or Special Membership Meeting shall be given as prescribed in Section 7.11 of this By-Law.
- Voting
- All members in good standing of the BDFC pursuant to Section 3.01 shall be entitled to vote at any annual general meeting or special membership meeting. No proxies are permitted. Members must be present in person to exercise their voting rights.
- If a BDFC member wishes to apply and stand for a BDFC Board of Director position, but he/she cannot attend the proposed AGM meeting date that a letter of intent can be submitted to the Vice-President - Business Operations for inclusion at the time of voting, for such position, with circumstances.
- Business at Annual General Meeting
The business transacted at the annual general meetings of BDFC shall include the following:
- Verification of the Voting Delegates
- President's Address
- Adoption of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting from the previous year and any Special Meetings from the previous year.
- Vice-President's Treasurer's Report
- Correspondence
- Amendments - Notice of Motion
- Election of Officers
- General Business
- Adjournment
- Business at Special Membership Meeting
The business transacted at the special membership meeting of BDFC shall only include the following:
- Roll call and/or registration of voting members.
- Report of the President on behalf of the Board of Directors explaining reason for special meeting
- Question and Answers period
- Any voting requirements
- Adjournment.
- Agenda
Each member of BDFC may be provided with a draft agenda and the report of the Vice-President - Finance at the annual general meeting and or special membership meeting unless it is decided by a simple majority of the board that it would not be feasible.
- Availability of Minutes
Upon request a copy of the minutes of any annual general meeting, special meeting or Board of Directors meeting shall be made available to a voting member by the Vice-President - Business Operations. This does not include in-camera minutes.
- Eligibility
A Director of the BDFC:
- Shall be eighteen (18) years of age or older.
- Shall not be an undischarged bankrupt or of unsound mind.
- if already a member of the BDFC, they shall be a member of the BDFC in good standing at the time of his or her election or appointment.
- Shall remain a member of the BDFC throughout his or her term of office.
- A non-BDFC member who wishes to run for election to a Director’s position is not eligible to run for election to a BDFC Executive position unless they have first occupied another BDFC Director’s position for at least 1 year.
- director candidates interested in running for election in the upcoming BDFC elections at the AGM, must submit their interest in seeking election along with a short bio on themselves, to the BDFC a minimum of 21 days prior to the BDFC AGM date.
- May be any other competent person, adhering to Article 4.01(a) and 4.01(b), elected by the BDFC membership or in the event of no election, appointed by the BDFC Board.
- Board of Directors
The board of directors shall manage the affairs of BDFC on behalf of the membership and shall consist of elected Board members as defined in Section five (5) of this By-Law.
- A simple majority electing the Board of Directors from the eligible voters at the Annual General Meeting.
- A simple majority from the newly elected Board of Directors may appoint vacancies.
- BDFC Board of Directors Meetings
The Board shall meet at a designated place at such time and date as the President, in consultation with the Board, may determine.
- The Board should meet at least once a month.
- The President must call a meeting of the BDFC Board of Directors when requested by either:
- A minimum of twenty-five (25%) percent of the members on the BDFC Board of Directors
- Twenty (20%) percent or more of the voting members of the BDFC
- Quorum
A quorum for a meeting of the Board of Directors shall consist of a simple majority of its current elected Board members as defined in Section five (5) of this By-Law.
- Payment
No member of the Board shall be paid in cash for services rendered in his capacity as a director of the BDFC. Any party, including Directors, can and shall be reimbursed for legitimate approved expenses arising from carrying out his or her duties on behalf of the BDFC upon submitting appropriate receipts.
Article 4 - Board of Directors
- Declared Vacant
When a member of the Board of Directors fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings without, in the opinion of the Board, having reasonable cause, or fails to perform the duties allotted to him as a director without just cause, his position on the board may be declared vacant by a simple majority of the remaining directors. A quorum of the Board of Directors may then appoint a qualified member to fill the vacancy until the next annual general meeting provided there is a quorum of directors remaining in office. Any Director removed for the above reason will not be allowed to hold an Executive position for two years or a board position for one year.
- Terms and Limits of Office
- The term of office for the Executive Directors shall be two years. The President and Vice-President – Finance shall be elected in even numbered years, Vice-President – Football Operations and Vice-President - Business Operations shall be elected in odd numbered years.
- Elected same as President and Vice-President – Finance, Varsity Director, Equipment #2, Registration & Flag Director. Elected same as Vice-President – Football Operations and Vice-President - Business Operations, Junior Director, Equipment #1, Concession and Website. The only position that is one year is the Past Board Member.
- No director shall hold more than one executive position.
- Positions on the Board
Members may hold more than one position on the Board of Directors if the BDFC is not able to fill all required positions. Members holding more than one position will be entitled to one vote only.
- Responsibilities of the Board
The Board of Directors has the authority to make decisions effecting the day-to-day operations of BDFC. The Board of Directors shall govern the BDFC in compliance with the objects, powers, by-laws, policies and procedures of the Club and all applicable laws and regulations.
- Voting Rights and Procedures at Board Meetings
Each Director present at a Board meeting, except the Chair, shall be entitled to one vote. The Chair shall have a vote only in the event of a tie. A majority of votes of the Directors present at a Board meeting shall decide every question. Every question shall be decided by a show of hands unless a secret ballot is demanded by a Director present. A declaration by the Chair that a motion has been carried or not carried and an entry to that effect in the minutes of the meeting shall be sufficient evidence of the fact, without proof of the number of votes recorded in favor or against such motion.
- Termination of a Director
- Removal of a Director by Membership: Provided that notice specifying the intention to pass such a resolution has been given with the notice of meeting, eligible voting members of the BDFC may, by a resolution passed by at least two-thirds of the votes cast at a General Meeting of Members at which a quorum is present, remove any Director before the expiration of his or her term of office, and, by a majority of the votes cast at that meeting, may elect any eligible member in his or her stead for the remainder of his or her term.
- Resignation: A Director of the Board may resign his or her Directorship by submitting a letter of resignation to the President of the BDFC. In the case where the President chooses to resign, the letter of resignation is to be submitted to the Vice-President - Business Operations of the BDFC.
4.12 Coaching Restrictions
- The President, VP of Business, VP of Football, and the Director of Finance shall not be eligible to Head Coach the U18 Senior Varsity or the U16 Junior Varsity teams. Exceptions may apply.
- The Junior Program Director (U10 & U12) and the Varsity Director (U14, U16, U18) shall not be eligible to Head Coach in their respective programs. Exceptions may apply.
- Exceptions to the above would be of extreme situation, which could include but not limited to; Removal of Head Coach, Death or Absence of Head Coach, Interim need for Head Coach (vacation, suspension), No applications for Head Coach, An additional team added to an age group.
- President
- Vice President – Business Operations
- Vice President – Finance
- Vice President – Football Operations
- Registration Director – under Business Operations
- Equipment Director #1 – without profile – under Football Operations
- Equipment Director #2 – without profile – under Football Operations
- Varsity Director – under Football Operations
- Junior Director – under Football Operations
- Flag Director – under Football Operations
- Concession – without profile – under Finance
- Website/Media Director– under Business Operations
- Past Board Member– under President
5.14 All Positions and Duties of the Board of Directors shall be maintained in the Policy and Procedure Manual for clarification
- Establishing Committees
The board of directors may from time to time establish various committees of the board to assist the board of directors in carrying out their administrative functions. Nothing in this by-law shall be construed to limit the ability of the Board of Directors and the Membership of the BDFC to abolish or create committees by by-law or from establishing such sub-committees by Directors’ resolution as may be desired or required from time to time.
- Duties and Powers of Committees
The board shall specify the duties and powers of each committee appointed.
- Committee Recommendations
Any recommendations of any committee must be approved by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- Other Duties of Committees
All standing committees may be responsible as well for other duties assigned by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- Chairing of Committees
The President of BDFC shall appoint a chairman for every standing committee.
- Budget Sub-Committee
- A Budget Sub-Committee shall be established at the beginning of each fiscal year. Chaired by The Vice President - Finance
- Members of this sub-committee shall be the Vice President- Finance, Vice President –Football Operations and Vice President - Business Operations
- Meets quarterly to review the monthly bank statements and the status of the current Operating and Capital Budgets
- Receives budget requests from each Vice President in preparation for the following year’s Capital and Operating Budget
- Prepares and provides a proposed Capital and Operating budget for the next fiscal year for the Board to consider.
- Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee members shall consist of the President, Vice President – Business Operations, Vice President – Finance and Vice President – Football Operations.
- The Executive Committee should meet monthly before a scheduled Board of Directors meeting to summarize current BDFC divisional affairs and produce recommendations for consideration to the Board of Directors for discussion and vote.
- The Executive Committee shall follow the direction and desire of the BDFC Board of Directors
- Affiliation
BDFC considers itself to be affiliated with and will at all times act in accordance with the regulations and the by-laws of the recognized Provincial Governing Body. Should a conflict exist between the by-laws of BDFC, BDFC’s playing rules, and any other regulations, by-laws or playing rules of the aforesaid organization(s) in which, our teams participate, the matter will be referred to a BDFC documentation committee for study and resolution.
BDFC may also be affiliated with one or more organizations within the province of Ontario and/or the City of Brantford and will always act in accordance with the regulations and by-laws of these organizations. Should a conflict exist between the by-laws of BDFC, BDFC’s playing rules and any other regulations, by-laws or playing rules of these provincial or municipal organizations in which our teams participate, the matter will be referred to a BDFC documentation committee for study and resolution.
- Membership List
- The Vice-President - Business Operations of the Board shall prepare and maintain a list of current members. This list shall be kept with the Vice-President – Business Operations and updated as necessary and made available to all Directors. Such list of members will be used to determine eligibility to attend and vote at any meeting of the membership.
- Individuals who are members of the BDFC at least twenty-one (21) days in advance of any General Meeting of the Members of the Club are entitled to notice of and to vote at such General Meeting. Any individual who is not a member at least twenty-one (21) days in advance of a General Meeting is not entitled to notice of or to vote at such General Meeting for which the record date has been established.
- Membership Fees
Registration fees will be established annually by the Budget Sub-Committee, or the “Executive”, and resolved by the Board of Directors. Fees for any unexpired term of membership are normally not refundable, but the Board of Directors may, in its sole discretion, grant a request for such a refund in extenuating circumstances. These circumstances will be outlined in the Policy and Procedure Manual.
- Banking
- Signing Authority
All cheques tendered by the BDFC shall be issued and recorded by the Vice-President - Finance. All cheques must be signed by two different people (not related) with signing authority, the Vice-President
- Finance, and countersigned by the President, Vice-President – Football Operations or Vice-President
- Business Operations. Directors or members with signing authority for BDFC may not be related to the Vice-President - Finance. The Vice-President - Finance shall issue a receipt to evidence any monies received by the BDFC and a duplicate receipt shall be kept and recorded by the Vice-President
- Finance. VP of Finance only to sign if President or VP Business Operations are not available and has to be first signing authority.
- Cheques
Cheques made payable to any member or director who has signing authority must have these cheques signed by two other signing authorities.
- Financial
- The fiscal year end of BDFC shall be the thirty-first (31st) day of December.
- All purchases over $350.00, not previously approved by the board of directors through the budget process, must be approved by the board of directors and three quotes should be submitted for comparison. Once purchase has received approval from the Board of Directors, the Vice-President - Finance will create a purchase order for this specific purchase. No purchase more than $350.00 shall be made without approval from the Board of Directors and a purchase order from the Vice-President - Finance.
- No member of the BDFC may fundraise for the organization or teams without the approval of the board of directors.
- All monies generated through the fundraising efforts of BDFC must be reported to the VP Finance and deposited as soon as possible.
- Only bank accounts approved by the board of directors may be opened by the membership from monies collected from BDFC activities.
- All payments for expenses more than $200.00 must be approved by the Board of Directors.
- Liability and Indemnification of Directors
- Liability: BDFC and all of its members must abide by and follow all rules set out by our affiliates and the current Provincial Governing Body.
- Indemnification of Directors: BDFC shall always maintain indemnity and/or liability insurance covering and protecting Directors and Officers against any and all liability or other obligation which may accrue to them as a consequence of their Directorship or Officer ship. This Insurance protection shall be maintained in such amounts and levels as the Board of Directors shall from time to time determine.
- Execution of Documents
The Board of Directors may from time to time appoint any Executive Director(s) or any person(s) on behalf of the BDFC, either to sign documents generally or to sign specific documents.
- Books and Records
The Board of Directors shall ensure that all necessary books and records of the BDFC required by the by-laws of the Club or by any applicable statute are regularly and properly maintained and any contracts or agreements are filed for safekeeping.
- Computation of Time
In computing the date when notice must be given under any provision of this By-Law requiring a specified number of days’ notice of any meeting or other event, the date of giving the notice is included unless otherwise provided.
- Omissions and Errors
The accidental omission to give notice of any meeting of the Board or Members or the non-receipt of any notice by any Director or member or by the auditor of the BDFC, or any error in any notice not affecting its substance does not invalidate any resolution passed or any proceedings taken at the meeting. Any Director, member or the auditor may at any time waive notice of any meeting and may ratify and approve any or all proceedings taken there at.
- Methods of Giving Notice.
- Whenever, under the provisions of this By-Law of the BDFC, notice is required to be given, such notice may be given using any combination of the following methods. Whenever possible, it is suggested that more than one method be used to ensure that all eligible persons receive notice.
- Posting of the notice on the BDFC website at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the meeting.
- Posting of the notice on the BDFC Facebook page at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the meeting.
- By electronic mail.
- Where notice of the meeting is published, handed out, posted on the website and/or electronically mailed to all persons on the membership list of the BDFC at the time the notice is given, it will be deemed to be received generally by the members of the BDFC. The accidental omission to any member or the non-receipt of notice by any member shall not invalidate any resolution passed or any proceedings taken at the meeting.
- Policies and Procedures
- A Policy and Procedure Manual shall be maintained to guide in the day-to-day operations of the BDFC. Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this By-Law, the Board shall have the power to pass without any confirmation or ratification by the members of the Corporation all necessary policies and procedures they deem expedient related in any way to the operations of the BDFC, including but not limited to the conduct of its members, member teams and guests, provided such policies and procedures are not otherwise inconsistent with the Letters Patent of the Corporation or this By-Law.
- The BDFC Board of Directors shall always endeavor to follow the Policy and Procedure Manual to help in the decision-making process.
- Changes, additions, or removals of policies shall be decided upon by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors of the BDFC.
- The Policy and Procedure Manual shall be recorded and updated by the Vice-President - Business Operations and is available to all members of the BDFC for review upon written request to the Vice-President - Business Operations.
- Confidentiality
Every Director and Executive Director of the Board of the BDFC shall respect the confidentiality of matters brought before the Board of Directors for consideration. Any breach of confidentiality may be grounds for the dismissal of a Director. Confidential matters do not include any matters which are recorded in the minutes of Board of Directors meetings and available for the membership to view. In-camera proceedings ARE confidential and any disclosure of such to persons not in attendance at the proceedings is a breach of confidentiality and will be dealt with immediately upon discovery.
7.14 Communications
- All mail to the Brant and District Football Club must be received and logged by the VP of Business operations.
- All enquires, complaints and open correspondence received from the Brant and District Football Club website must be received and logged by the VP of Business Operations.
- All requests for player releases received by the Brant and District Football Club must be received and logged by the VP of Football Operations, and then distributed to the appropriate director for review.
All Leagues the Brant and District Football club are members of should be informed to send communications to the appropriate director. ie the OSFL should send all for U18, U16, U14 to the Varsity Director, OSFL should send all U12, U10 communications to the Junior Director, OFFL should send all communications to the Junior Director, Football Ontario and Under Armour Flag should send all Flag Football related communications to the Flag Director
- Conflict of Interest
All Directors and Committee members must carry out their duties honestly, in good faith, and in the best interests of BDFC rather than in their own interests. There must be clear procedures for dealing with situations where there is, or appears to be, a conflict of interest.
- Types of Conflict of Interest
- A conflict of interest occurs when someone benefits personally in any way from a decision of BDFC. This covers conflicts of interest of Directors and Committee members. It also covers everyone in their households and their relatives. A conflict of interest can occur when someone in BDFC: makes or takes part in a decision affecting BDFC affairs, and has a financial or other interest in, or gets a benefit from, the result of that decision which the rest of BDFC members do not have, or which only a few other members have.
- Examples of conflict of interest are:
- BDFC signs a contract or votes to do business with a member of BDFC or a company in which they, their household members, or relatives, have a financial interest or any stock.
- BDFC member is involved personally in a disciplinary procedure where they made the complaint or where the board is disciplining a friend, relative, or assistant.
- This is not an exhaustive list. BDFC Board of Directors shall deal with any conflict or potential conflict on a case-by-case basis, according to merit.
This By-Law shall come into force without further formality upon its enactment after approval by the members of the BDFC as hereinbefore set out.
This foregoing By-Law is hereby enacted, ratified, sanctioned, confirmed and approved without variation by the affirmative vote of the members of the BDFC at a General Meeting of the Members of the BDFC duly called and held via Zoom in the City of Brantford, Ontario and at which a quorum was present on the 18th day of January 2023.
Deana Solomon
Vice President – Business Operations
- Introduction
The Brant and District Football Club (BDFC) is a non-profit corporation established to operate minor football programs in Brantford and the surrounding area under the team name; Brantford Bisons. The BDFC functions through a duly elected Board of directors who are responsible for the effective governance and stewardship of the organization and are guided by the laws of Canada and Ontario, our vision, values and mission, and our policies and procedures.
As individual Board members, we strive to conduct ourselves in accordance with the highest personal, professional and business standards, including compliance with all laws and regulations that apply to the BDFC. This Code of Conduct is an expression of how we demonstrate integrity, due diligence, and commitment to these standards in our involvement in the BDFC as Board members.
- Our Reputation – Upholding BDFC’s Name
The BDFC has developed a reputation for leadership and collaboration. We strive to uphold that reputation by speaking with one voice and conveying a positive image of our organization. We act in accordance with our values. Our decision- making processes encourage open discussion and participation. We make decisions that are in the best interests of the BDFC as a Board while Board members who disagree with these decisions have the option of requesting that their dissent be recorded. However, once a decision has been made by the Board, directors speak with one voice, supporting the
Board’s decision. When we speak to an audience as a representative of the BDFC, we present the BDFC’s positions and views, rather than our personal opinions. Individual directors may hold positions of leadership in other professional or community associations, where they may be viewed as spokespersons for those groups. In such situations, we ensure that we are seen as speaking as individuals and not as directors of or spokespersons for the BDFC. We use the BDFC’s assets legally and for authorized purposes and in a manner appropriate to our organization. A Board member using the BDFC’s
computer database or electronic mail system complies with any internal policies and procedures that guide the storage, use and transmission of information through this medium. We have an obligation to comply with both the letter and the spirit of the guidelines contained in this Code. As individuals, we have a responsibility to raise issues and concerns through the appropriate channels.
- Professional Behavior
We understand our respective roles and responsibilities within the BDFC and strive to fulfill them. We comply with our governing and operational policies and procedures. We conduct our business following legal and ethical practices, and within the best interests of our organization. We deal fairly and openly in all our business relationships, provided conditions of quality, reliability and competitiveness are met. We strive to ensure our decision-making is not compromised or perceived to be compromised. We aim to avoid conflicts of interest that could interfere or be perceived to interfere with our judgment in making decisions in the BDFC’s best interests and/or that could result in personal gain. We depend on the integrity of all Board members who have knowledge of a decision or activity of the BDFC that involves or might involve a conflict of interest to disclose the circumstances to the Board. We accept or offer gifts, entertainment or benefits in the normal exchanges of business relationships. We do not accept or offer entertainment, gifts or benefits which grant or appear to grant preferential treatment for the BDFC or by the BDFC. We respect the confidentiality of our Board members. We protect any personal information about our players, parents, coaches or volunteers that may be in our possession. We disclose confidential or personal information only when appropriate approval has been received, or we are required to do so by law. We do not use confidential information for personal benefit or to benefit a third party. Our behavior with colleagues and those with whom we do business is respectful, courteous, fair and dignified.
- Commitment to Learning
We support the growth and development for our players and coaches. We provide learning opportunities for Board members that focus on their governance role within the BDFC. By extending these opportunities to others, we encourage the development of leaders within our community.
- Responsibility
This Code is not a substitute for our responsibility and accountability to exercise good judgment and obtain guidance on proper business conduct. We are encouraged to seek additional guidance and support from those responsible for business conduct matters. The strength in our organization is our collective knowledge and the sharing of that knowledge and experience. The following questions are provided as a guide in determining appropriate conduct: Is it against BDFC policies or procedures? Is it legal? Will it reflect negatively on you or the BDFC? Who else will be affected by this?
Would you be embarrassed if others knew you took this course of action? Is there an alternative course of action that does not pose an ethical conflict? How would it look in the media? What would a reasonable person think? Does it feel right?
With the understanding that youth sports are for the education, fun and the enjoyment of the kids, and that I, along with the other coaches, am responsible for the safety and well-being of the kids on the team and do hereby agree to the following:
I am a volunteer for The Brant and District Football Club (BDFC) as a whole. I understand that this is not “MY” team. Any suggestions and decisions by the appointed Board of Directors will be enacted without challenge.
I will place the emotional and physical well-being of the players ahead of my personal desire to win.
I will treat each player as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development for children in the same age group.
I will provide a positive, encouraging, and safe playing environment for programs players.
I will NOT use foul, derogatory or abusive language when coaching or attending youth sports events.
I will provide a sports environment for the programs team that is free of drugs, tobacco and alcohol at all youth sports events, including practices and games.
I will be knowledgeable in and abide by the rules of the youth football and the league in which we play and teach those rules to the program’s players.
I will use coaching techniques appropriate for all the skills I teach.
I will always remember that I am a youth sports coach and that the game is for the kids not the adults.
I will always show respect for and abide by the decisions, calls and judgments of the officials at any game.
I will not criticize a fellow coach, board member, child or family member in front of the players, fans or families. I will only discuss any disagreements, differences of opinion or conflicts I may have with the person to whom I have the disagreement and at an appropriate time and place.
I agree that by signing the Code of Conduct, I accept its rules as guidelines for my behaviour. I agree that if I fail to abide by Code of Conduct, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Written warning
- Game suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file
- Season suspension
Signature: Date:
I hereby pledge to be positive about my youth sports experience and accept responsibility for my participation by following this Players' Code of Ethics Pledge.
Have fun!
Be a good sport (win or lose); Be honest, fair, and always show good sportsmanship to all coaches, players, officials, parents, and fans by demonstrating good sportsmanship at every game and practice. Learn the value of commitment to the team. I will attend every practice and game that I can and will notify by coach if I cannot. Put personal goals aside for the betterment of the team. Show courtesy and respect to teammates, opponents, and coaches. Realize that athletic contests, including practice sessions are educational experiences and opportunities.
- I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct.
- I will not engage in rude behavior.
- I will treat everyone, including coaches, parents, players, and officials, with respect, regardless of race, creed, color, nationality or gender.
- I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place.
Players Signature: Date:
The essential elements of character-building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship. We believe the highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects six core principles: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship.
Every member of BDFC will therefore agree:
- I will not force my child to participate in sports.
- I will inform the coach of any disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.
- I will understand that player safety is paramount, and I will not encourage any behaviours or practices that would endanger the health and wellbeing of the athletes.
- I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.
- I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.
- I and my guests will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators on or off the field, in every game, practice or other team related forum or event, including but not limited to methods of mass communication such as emails, online activities or in print.
- I and my guests will not engage in any kind of booing and taunting; refusing to shake hands; or using profane language or gestures.
- I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place.
- I will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex or ability.
- I will teach my child that doing one's best is more important than winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his/her performance. I will emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit my child over winning.
- I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participant for making a mistake or losing a competition.
- I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am one of the official coaches of the team.
I agree that by signing the Code of Conduct, I accept its rules as guidelines for my behaviour as well as that of my immediate family. I agree that if I or members of my immediate family fail to abide by Code of Conduct, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Verbal warning by official, head coach, and/or head of league organization
- Written warning
- Parental game suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file
- Parental season suspension
Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:
- Preside as Chair at all Annual General Meetings and special meetings of the membership
- Be responsible for appointing people to count and scrutinize any balloting when voting is required
- Develops a vision for the Bisons Football Program with short- and long-term objectives to achieve that vision
- Member of the Executive Committee
- Chairman of any Board of Directors meetings if available
- Resolves any tie votes at a Board of Directors meeting
- Chairman of any Executive Committee meetings if available
- Represents the BDFC at community, media, or special events
- Attends league meetings along with Varsity & Junior Director
- Oversees the operation of the Bisons Football Program
- Ensures that all necessary timelines are met regarding the Bisons Football Program
- Acts on direction as received from the Board
- Oversees the football operations of the Bisons Football Program
- Implements short- and long-term objectives of the football operations of the Bisons Football Program
- Represents the Board regarding the leagues the BDFC participates in
- Chairman of the Coach’s Selection/Search Committee unless there is a conflict of interest
- Deals with any issues regarding the leagues that the BDFC participates in that may arise throughout the year
- Develops an annual field, referee, and EMS budget
- Organize ordering of jerseys with the Varsity and Junior Directors
- Represents the BDFC at all Field User Group meetings with the City
- Ensures that indoor facilities, fields, referees, and EMS are booked as required
- Ensures that the fields are lined for all practices/games if required
- Arrange coaches training, practice times and game times for varsity and junior programs
- Maintains an ongoing Coaches Logbook documenting all coaches involved in the football programs
- Ensures that all coaches in the Bisons Football Program are made aware of Coaches Clinics being held within our area
- Develops a Coach’s Handbook and updates handbook on an annual basis
- Coordinates all injury reports with EMS, Junior and Varsity directors
- Acts as a facilitator to Directors associated with football operation.
- Equipment Directors 1& 2
- Varsity Director
- Jr Program Director
- Oversees Coach’s Selection/Coach’s Search Committee
- Chairs the Discipline Committee
- Member of Budget Committee
- Member of Executive Committee
- Acts on direction as received from the Board
- Reports to the Vice President-Football Operations
- Helps develops an annual football equipment budget
- Completes an annual inventory of all football equipment
- Helps VP-Football Operations complete orders for football equipment as needed following the purchasing policy
- Ensures that players are properly fitted for the equipment they will be using
- Ensures that all game day equipment is available for the spring and fall season
- Maintain equipment room in an orderly fashion
- Issue and collect equipment with head coaches and team managers
- Make up coaches’ bags
- Arrange recertification of equipment
- Arrange cleaning and repairs of equipment
- Acts on direction as received from the Board
- Reports to the Vice President-Football Operations
- Act as liaison between team’s coaching staff and the Board
- Represents the Board regarding the Varsity league the BDFC participates in and deals with any issues regarding our teams and that league
- Attends all meetings called by the varsity league the BDFC participates in
- Develops a Practice Plan for all components of the football program
- Member of the Coach’s Selection/Coach’s Search Committee and the Discipline Committee
- Handle all complaints received regarding a coaching staff member unless a conflict of interest is declared. Document this complaint and action taken in the Coaches Logbook
- Deal with coaching, parents, and players issues
- Implements player recruitment strategy and assists coaches in player recruitment
- Ensures that all coaching technology and or memberships purchased by the Board is distributed to all head coaches with priority being the Spring Rep Season with other seasons to follow as available
- Ensure the Spring Rep Banquet happens along with ordering the trophies
- Ensure Police checks completed
- Ensure each team has a proper coaching staff
- Collaborates with the VP of Football to arrange coaches training, practice times and game times
- Hold a Coaches meeting beginning of the season and at the end
- Collaborate with the Board to set up dates for fees due
- Collaborate with the Registration Director to ensure registration dates are set up
- Ensure that the coaches and managers know about injuries from medical trainer
- Enforce if registration not paid player does not play
- Responsible for ensuring game film for the spring Varsity, Junior Varsity and Bantam teams is uploaded to the designated league site
- Set up varsity picture day
- Coordinates all injury reports with EMS, Junior and Coaches/players directors
- Ensures lights are on for all practices or games if needed
- Primary contact person with university football coaches
- Acts on direction as received from the Board
- Reports to the Vice President-Football Operations
- Act as liaison between junior program team’s coaching staff and the Board
- Represents the Board regarding the junior program league
- Attends all meetings called by the junior program league
- Deals with any issues regarding the junior program league
- Develops a Practice Plan for all components of the junior football program
- Collaborates with the VP of Football to arrange coaches training, practice times and game times
- Member of the Coach’s Selection/Coach’s Search Committee and the Discipline Committee
- Deal with coaching, parents, and players issues
- Handle all complaints received regarding a coaching staff member unless a conflict of interest is declared. Document this complaint and action taken in the Coaches Logbook
- Implements player recruitment strategy and assists coaches in player recruitment
- Ensures that all coaching technology and or memberships purchased by the Board is distributed to all head coaches with priority being the Spring Rep Season with other seasons to follow as available
- Ensure the Banquet happens along with ordering the trophies
- Ensure Police checks completed
- Ensure each team has a proper coaching staff
- Hold a Coaches meeting beginning of the season and at the end
- Collaborate with the Registration Director to ensure registration dates are set up
- Ensure that the coaches and managers know about injuries from medical trainer
- Enforce if registration not paid player does not play
- Set up picture day and Brantford Day
- Coordinates all injury reports with EMS, Varsity and Coaches/players directors
- Ensures lights are on for all practices or games if needed
- Acts on direction as received from the Board
- Oversees the financial operation of the Bisons Football Program
- Implements short- and long-term financial objectives of the Bisons Football Program
- Be the custodian of the books of account and accounting records of BDFC. Required to be kept in a manner acceptable to the board of directors and shall always be open to inspection by the board of directors.
- Prepare and submit a written monthly financial statement to the board of directors showing receipts and disbursements, the accounts receivable, the accounts payable and the financial position of the BDFC
- Deposit all funds received at the earliest possible convenience after receiving them, in the depositories prescribed by the board of directors
- Provide a written treasurer’s report to the membership at the annual general meeting
- Prepare any financial reports as may be required by government departments
- Follow up on any returned cheques received by BDFC
- Responsible for all purchase orders, invoices, and payments
- Responsible for preparing all receipts for donations and advertisers
- Oversees all BDFC insurance requirements
- Maintains annual Operating and Capital Projects budgets
- Ensures financial books are given to CPA, chosen by Board, on a quarterly basis
- Chairman of Budget Committee
- Member of Executive Committee
- Acts on direction as received from the Board
- Oversee the communications operation of the Bisons Football Program
- Implements short- and long-term communications objectives of the Bisons Football Program
- Arranges the monthly Board and Executive Committee meetings
- Sets out the agenda for the monthly Board and Executive Committee meetings at least 5 days in advance of a scheduled meeting
- Takes minutes of Board and Executive Committee meetings
- Issue copies of all minutes of all meetings to all directors, make a copy of all minutes (except in camera minutes) available to the membership, and maintain BDFC file for membership use as well as a file for the lawyer as required
- Responsible for BDFC Annual General Meeting and the taking of the AGM minutes
- Prepare and e-mail previous monthly meeting minutes and new agenda at least 5 days in advance of a scheduled meeting
- Request insurance for all faculties BDFC uses
- Handles all Board correspondence
- Acts as a facilitator to Directors associated with communications.
- Registration Director
- Social Media/Website Director
- Oversees Marketing Committee
- Member of the Budget Committee
- Member of the Executive Committee
- Tracks Bisons players who move onto university football or the CJFL
- Acts on direction as received from the Board
- Reports to the Vice President-Business Operations
- Develops and implements an annual registration strategy and budget
- In charge of all registration of players/participants for all leagues and events
- Completes all registration tasks required by the leagues the BDFC participates in
- Maintains all necessary player stats such as age pictures and current school
- Organize, coordinate, and supervise the planning and receipt of all registrations
- Prepare and maintain rosters of the various teams in the various divisions
- Coordinates registration
- Assist in the collection of all registration monies in collaboration with the VP of Business and the VP of Finance
- Prepare team binders
- Maintains a mass e-mail list and divisional e-mail lists for ongoing communications with parents/players
- Marketing to schools - registration dates/flyers
- Attend all registrations or appoint delegate with one member of the Executive
- Acts on direction as received from the Board
- Past board member, including Past President or other Executive member, sit on current board as an advisor
- Eligible to vote on day-to-day operations of the BDFC
- Assist the Board with any tasks as required involving the operation of the BDFC
- Responsible for the operation of the concession at BDFC home games or events
- In collaboration with the VP of Finance, creates a budget for the operation of the concession
- Ensures that the concession complies with all local health unit standards and requirements
- Keeps an inventory list and purchase stock when needed
- Creates a “Concession Report” outlining the costs/proceeds of the concession after each home weekend. This report to be submitted to the VP of Finance and VP of Business.
- Ensures that all monies are counted by at least 2 board members and signed off on as being correct.
- Any other tasks to assist the Board in operating the BDFC
- Responsible for the daily operation of all BDFC social media accounts
- Responsible for liaising with the BDFC’s website host for modifications of the BDFC website
- Responsible for ensuring that social media posts are completed to ensure that there is active engagement with our membership
- Requirement to be active (3-4 times per week) in posting on our social media accounts
- Ensure that the social media posts and website material is in no way offensive to anyone or would bring the reputation of the BDFC into disrepute.
- Watch social media from OFA and leagues which the BDFC are involved
- Any other tasks to assist the Board in operating the BDFC
- Volunteers are people who would like to assist the Bisons Football Program but do not want to sit as a Board member
- Examples where volunteers could assist would be: Marketing, Capital Fundraising events, Selling of advertising, Special Events, Player recruitment, Concession sales, Merchandise sales
- Sitting on a committee or having direct contact with a player or money requires a Police check prior to volunteering, which if an expense is incurred will be reimbursed by the BDFC
- Consists of President and Vice Presidents of the Board
- Meets between the monthly Board meetings or as needed
- Provides recommendations for the Board to consider regarding various issues involving the BDFC and the Bisons Football Program
- Provides background information regarding Executive Committee recommendations to the Board
- May deal with issues and make decisions between Board meetings that effect the BDFC that are time sensitive, but all decisions must be ratified no later than the next Board meeting.
- BUDGET COMMITTEE (executive only)
- Meets quarterly to review the monthly bank statements and the status of the current Operating and Capital Projects Budgets
- Receives budget requests from each Vice President in preparation for the following year’s Capital Projects and Operating budgets
- Prepares and provides a proposed Capital Projects and Operating budget for the next fiscal year for the Board to consider
- Consists of the VP-Business Operations, VP of Finance, Past Board Member and Social Media/Website
- Develops an annual marketing budget, plan, and advertising campaign
- Monitors the success of the marketing plan and advertising campaign
- Develops a corporate advertising package
- Sells advertising space to businesses, organizations, and individuals
- Responsible for all season ticket sales
- Develops and implements an annual marketing and advertising strategy and budget
- Provide marketing and advertising support for special events.
- Searches for and negotiates new sponsorships with the private sector
- Consists of three members of the Board of which one must be from the Executive Committee
- Maintains and updates as needed the Policy and Procedures manual
- Prepares annual report with recommended changes to BDFC’s Bylaws prior to the AGM
- Consists of VP-Football Operations, Varsity and Jr Program Director
- Organizes and implements all Coaches Clinics if applicable
- Organizes and implements annual Camp Day and all Skills Camps if applicable
- Organizes and implements Coaches/Player Conferences if applicable
- Develops player recruiting strategy
- Committee chaired by the VP of Football Operations, Varsity Director, Jr Program Director and two individuals who do not sit on the Board for a Committee membership of five.
- If the above directors have a conflict of interest in this process, other BDFC Board directors can substitute on this committee.
- Committee will review applications as set out by the Head Coach Application Procedure policy.
- Interviews applicants for the position of all head coaching positions and recommends applicants to the Board
- Committee chaired by the VP-Football Operations and includes the President, Varsity Director or Jr Program Director.
- If any of the above directors have a conflict of interest in this process, other BDFC directors can substitute on this committee.
- Committee shall meet when needed to investigate issues where discipline may be necessary due to actions by a parent, player or coaches that are contrary to the philosophy of the BDFC.
- Committee shall make discipline recommendations to the Board based on their investigation of the actions of the parent, coach, or player.
- Some actions may require immediate discipline by the committee of a parent, coach, or player in which case this discipline must be presented to the next available Board meeting for approval.
- Board Membership: Board members shall receive a registration discount of $375 for a player or players of their choosing during the current calendar year, with the total value of the discount not to exceed the $375.
- Board Meetings: There shall be no compensation to attend regular or special meetings.
- Board Committee Meetings: There shall be no compensation to attend regular or special meetings.
- Expenses: There shall be compensation for out-of-pocket expenses while carrying out Board duties including:
- Use of personal vehicle at $0.40 per kilometer
- Photocopying, stationary, envelopes, etc. shall be covered provided a receipt for expenses included.
- travel outside of Brant County on BDFC business and will remain away from home overnight, the Board member shall receive living expenses as follows:
- Transportation costs:
- Personal vehicle ($0.40 per kilometer) or train fare (receipt required)
- Taxi or Bus fare to and from meeting (receipt required)
- Per Diem
- $50.00 per calendar day if the Board member is away for a full calendar day
- if the Board member is away for less than a full calendar day:
- $12.00 if away over the breakfast period
- $19.00 if away over the lunch, supper period
- Hotel
- Reasonable and actual expenses for a single occupancy room where it is available (receipt required)
- Gate Admission Fee: The following are exempt from paying a gate admission fee:
- Board members list provided
- Spring Rep Season head coaches and their coaching staff list provided
- Banquets
- The following will receive complimentary banquet tickets:
- Board members shall receive one complimentary ticket for each banquet. This ticket must be used by the Board member and cannot be transferred to another person.
- The head coach and their staff of the teams involved with the banquet, as determined by the VP- Football Operations, shall receive one complimentary ticket for the respective banquet their team attends. This ticket must be used by the respective head coach or staff member and cannot be transferred to another person.
- Each registered player as determined by the Registration Director from the team attending the banquet shall receive one complimentary ticket for the respective banquet the player’s team attends. This ticket must be used by the respective registered player and cannot be transferred to another person.
- Board Dinner
- The BDFC will host a dinner for the Board members and their partners in January once in a calendar. The dinner will include food but exclude drinks. This dinner will replace the normal Board meeting that is held in January.
- This dinner may be replaced with clothing at the discretion of the Board.
The BDFC will offer reimbursement up to $150.00 total for a coach to take one non-mandatory course/clinic/seminar per calendar year. The reimbursement amount cannot be split or combined in any way and the coach must have been a coach for the BDFC within the past 12 months or has received a coaching position for the upcoming season.
If there are mandatory courses/clinics/seminars required for coaches to be permitted to coach, i.e.) mandated provincial coaching requirements, the BDFC Board will consider hosting and/or covering the cost of that type of course/clinic/seminar as the need arises.
Any personal/private parent/player info shall not be discussed by any board member, coach, manager or BDFC volunteer outside of the parameters of an official BDFC business.
- Financial Issues
- Board members, coaches, managers and BDFC volunteers are restricted from discussing financial issues with a player under the age of 18 unless the player is responsible for themselves.
- In the event a financial issue develops, the player is requested to contact a parent or legal guardian without stating why.
- Upon arrival of the parent or legal guardian, the financial issue will be discussed with a designated Board member or members without the player present and, in a setting, where the discussion cannot be overheard by others.
- Financial issues may include outstanding registration fees, outstanding Player Package fees, outstanding equipment deposit cheques or any other financial issue that may impact the player’s participation in the Bisons Football Program.
- Outstanding Equipment
- Board members, coaches, managers and BDFC volunteers are restricted from discussing outstanding equipment with a player under the age of 18 unless the player unless the player is responsible for themselves
- If an outstanding equipment issue develops, the player is requested to contact a parent or legal guardian by a designated Board member without stating why.
- Upon arrival of the parent or legal guardian, the outstanding equipment issue will be discussed with a designated Board member or members without the player present and, in a setting, where the discussion cannot be overheard by others.
- Outstanding equipment issues may include equipment not returned from previous years that may impact the players’ participation in the Bisons Football Program.
- Financial Assistance Programs
- Board members, coaches, managers and BDFC volunteers are restricted from discussing financial assistance programs with a player under the age of 18 unless the player is responsible for themselves.
- Any financial assistance programs used by parents/players are strictly kept in confidence by the Registration Director and VP of Finance.
- The protocol during registration includes a system that ensures the Registration Director, and the Vice President-Finance are the only people in attendance who are aware that the parent/player is applying through a financial assistance program.
There is several coaching, managerial and support positions required ensuring that players in Bisons Football can fully develop their skills in any of the seasons.
The Spring Rep Season may require more staff than other seasons due to the competitive nature of the season. The board will supply a Videographer and Statistics people for the Spring season.
- Coaching Staff Positions
- Each team may have the following positions on the coaching staff.
- Head Coach
- Assistant Head Coach
- Offensive Coordinator
- Defensive Coordinator
- Special Teams Coordinator
- Team Manager
- Equipment Manager
- Trainer
- Coaches
- Quarterbacks
- Running backs
- Receivers
- Offensive Line
- Defensive Line
- Linebackers
- Defensive Backs
- Volunteers
- Water Person
- Coach/Volunteer Restrictions
- All coaches and the team manager for the Spring Rep Season must be 18yrs of age or older.
- Clothing
- All head coaches, assistant head coaches, positional coaches, managers, and support staff shall receive game day wear and practice wear based on a team staff clothing budget to be determined by the board. The team staff shall all be dressed in uniform colours on game days. The team wear shall be approved Bisons wear.
- All head coaches, assistant head coaches, coordinators and positional coaches shall wear Bisons team wear during practices to be easily identifiable when on the field
- All volunteers shall receive one Bisons t-shirt to be worn at anytime.
- Game Day
- Only coaching staff, managers, trainers, and water personal shall be allowed on the player’s bench during a game.
- Only statistics personal shall be allowed on the opposite sideline to the player’s bench during a game.
- Team videographers shall be granted one window in the media booth for home game filming.
There are times when action must be taken by the Board due to actions by a parent, coach, or player during the course of the year. All discipline cases shall follow these guidelines:
- No parent, coach or player shall receive discipline without just cause.
- The Board’s Discipline Committee shall meet when needed to investigate issues where discipline may be necessary due to actions by a parent, player or coach that are contrary to the philosophy of the BDFC’s Bisons Football Program.
- The Discipline Committee shall make discipline recommendations to the Board based on their investigation of the actions of the parent, coach, or player.
- Some actions may require immediate discipline by the Discipline Committee of a parent, coach, or player in which case this discipline must be presented to the next available Board meeting for approval.
- The Board reserves the right to select the appropriate discipline based on the severity of the cause for such discipline which may include:
- Verbal warning
- Written warning
- Suspension
- Outright ban
- The parent, coach or player may appeal discipline to the Discipline Committee subject to the following conditions:
- The Board receives appeal request in writing within 10 days of the discipline being handed out.
- A hearing shall be held by the Discipline Committee within 10 days of receiving the written appeal.
- The final recommendation of the Discipline Committee is presented to the first Board meeting after the hearing for approval.
- The parent, coach, or player, who has received discipline, excluding an outright ban, shall have the discipline kept on file for two years after which the record of discipline shall be removed.
If more than one team is formed in a division then the players and teams shall be split in the following manner:
- When the teams are in different tiers or levels then the top tier or 'Rep" coach shall have first pick of the players in that division.
- When the teams are in the same tier or level then a meeting will take place with both Head Coaches and a member of the Board not directly affiliated with either team. A draft will take place during this meeting to ensure that the teams are split evenly.
- Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches may declare their own child/family member to keep on the team they are coaching, up to a maximum of 5 players. All other players will go into the draft system.
Weather has become more of a factor in recent years with extreme heat and severe storms impacting the ability to practice and play games. All coaches shall adhere to the following guidelines:
The Board shall use the Brantford Weather Station to monitor the daily temperatures listed below include the humidex, for example: 30 degrees, feeling like 37 degrees with the humidex means the BDFC adheres to the humidex value for heat protocols during practices
- Under 30 degrees - normal practice
- 31-35 degrees - water breaks every 30 minutes or as needed
- 36-40 degrees - water breaks every 20 minutes or as needed, No pads; only shorts, shirt and helmet, Helmet off if needed
- 40 degrees and over - Practice cancelled
- Thunderstorms
- Coaching staff identify a safe zone prior to practice that offers protection from lightning
- Safe zones can be identified as dressing rooms, arenas or other public buildings
- If a safe zone is unavailable, players must have an alternative such as cars, buses or other vehicles that offer protection in the event of a thunderstorm
- If lightning is seen or thunder heard:
- Field is vacated immediately by players, coaching staff and parents
- Players head to safe zone or one of the alternatives
- Coaching staff wait 30 minutes after the last lightning is seen or thunder heard before re-entering the field to complete the practice
I/we the undersigned do here authorize the release of (players name) medical information to Athletic Therapist/EMS providers appointed by the Brant & District Football Club.
I/we the undersigned also agree that any information regarding the ability to play football be released to the appropriate board members, head coach and manager who are representing the Brant & District Football Club.
(Player 18 and over)
Injury Reporting
- Player/parent sign medical waiver form at time of registration that allows the sharing of medical information between the player/parent, team, BDFC. Responsibility: BDFC
- Trainer fills out medical report at time of player injury with a copy provided to head coach and/or team manager and BDFC (Varsity and Jr Director). Responsibility: Trainer
- If a player’s injury is severe enough to require medical clearance before returning to contact; player/parent is advised to provide medical clearance to BDFC (Varsity and Jr Director) from their health practitioner prior to player participating in contact. Responsibility: Player/parent
- Player provides medical clearance from their health practitioner to the BDFC (Varsity and Jr Director) prior to player returning to contact. Responsibility: Player/parent
- Player returns to full practice.
Concussion Protocol
- Trainer suspects that a player has suffered a concussion; Trainer advises team to remove player from game/practice immediately. Team personnel (head coach, team manager) shall always comply with this request.
- Trainer and/or team (head coach/ team manager) advises player/parent that player should seek medical attention for a possible concussion and will not be able to return to full contact without medical clearance.
- Trainer completes injury report as per process.
- Player provides medical clearance from their health practitioner to the BDFC (Varsity and Jr Director) prior to player returning to contact.
- Copy of medical clearance provided to BDFC Board, Head coach and or team manager advised by BDFC that player can return to full contact.
- Player returns to full practice.
- The Board shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order
- Robert's Rules provides for constructive and democratic meetings, to help, not hinder, the business of the assembly. Under no circumstances should "undue strictness" be allowed to intimidate members or limit full participation.
- Provides common rules and procedures for deliberation and debate to place the whole membership on the same footing and speaking the same language.
- The conduct of ALL business is controlled by the general will of the whole membership - the right of the deliberate majority to decide.
- Complementary is the right of at least a strong minority to require the majority to be deliberate - to act according to its considered judgment AFTER a full and fair "working through" of the issues involved.
- The fundamental right of deliberative assemblies requires all questions to be thoroughly discussed before acting!
- The assembly rules - they have the final say on everything!
- Silence means consent!
- Robert's Rules of Order---Summary Version For Fair and Orderly Meetings & Conventions
- Obtain the floor (the right to speak) by being the first to stand when the person speaking has finished; state Mr./Madam Chairman. Raising your hand means nothing and standing while another has the floor is out of order! Must be recognized by the Chair before speaking!
- Debate cannot begin until the Chair has stated the motion or resolution and asked, "are you ready for the question?" If no one rises, the chair calls for the vote!
- Before the motion is stated by the Chair (the question) members may suggest modification of the motion; the mover can modify as he pleases, or even withdraw the motion without consent of the seconder; if mover modifies, the seconder can withdraw the second.
- The "immediately pending question" is the last question stated by the Chair! Motion/Resolution - Amendment -
Motion to Postpone
- The member moving the "immediately pending question" is entitled to preference to the floor!
- No member can speak twice to the same issue until everyone else wishing to speak has spoken to it once!
- All remarks must be directed to the Chair. Remarks must be courteous in language and deportment - avoid all personalities, never allude to others by name or to motives!
- The agenda and all committee reports are merely recommendations! When presented to the assembly and the question is stated, debate begins, and changes occur!
- Each Board Member shall vote “Yes”, “No” or “Abstain” on a motion that is on the floor.
- If a motion has a direct impact on an individual Board member or members, the Board member or members shall be asked by the Chair to vacate the room prior to the motion being presented to the Board. The Board member or members shall be invited back into the room by the Chair after the vote on the motion has been completed.
- A Board member or members shall declare a “Conflict of Interest” when a motion that may benefit the Board member or members is introduced. In the event of a declaration of a “Conflict of Interest”, the Board member or members shall be asked by the Chair to vacate the room. The Board member or members shall be invited back into the room by the Chair after the vote on the motion has been completed.
- A Board member may call for a recorded vote on any motion in which case the vote of each Board member on a motion is recorded into the minutes of the Board meeting.
- Point of Privilege: Pertains to noise, personal comfort, etc. - may interrupt only if necessary!
- Parliamentary Inquiry: Inquire as to the correct motion - to accomplish a desired result, or raise a point of order
- Point of Information: Generally, applies to information desired from the speaker: "I should like to ask the (speaker) a question."
- Orders of the Day (Agenda): A call to adhere to the agenda (a deviation from the agenda requires Suspending the Rules)
- Point of Order: Infraction of the rules, or improper decorum in speaking. Must be raised immediately after the error is made
- Main Motion: Brings new business (the next item on the agenda) before the assembly
- Divide the Question: Divides a motion into two or more separate motions (must be able to stand on their own)
- Consider by Paragraph: Adoption of paper is held until all paragraphs are debated and amended and entire paper is satisfactory; after all paragraphs are considered, the entire paper is then open to amendment, and paragraphs may be further amended. Any Preamble cannot be considered until debate on the body of the paper has ceased.
- Amend: Inserting or striking out words or paragraphs, or substituting whole paragraphs or resolutions
- Withdraw/Modify Motion: Applies only after question is stated; mover can accept an amendment without obtaining the floor
- Commit /Refer/Recommit to Committee: State the committee to receive the question or resolution if no committee exists includes size of committee desired and method of selecting the members (election or appointment).
- Extend Debate: Applies only to the immediately pending question; extends until a certain time or for a certain period
- Limit Debate: Closing debate at a certain time, or limiting to a certain period
- Postpone to a Certain Time: State the time the motion or agenda item will be resumed
- Object to Consideration: Objection must be stated before discussion or another motion is stated
- Lay on the Table: Suspends further consideration/action on pending question; may be made after motion to close debate has carried or is pending
- Take from the Table: Resumes consideration of item previously "laid on the table" - state the motion to take from the table
- Reconsider: Can be made only by one on the prevailing side who has changed position or view
- Postpone Indefinitely: Kills the question/resolution for this session - exception: the motion to reconsider can be made this session
- Previous Question: Closes debate if successful - may be moved to "Close Debate" if preferred
- Informal Consideration: Move that the assembly go into "Committee of the Whole" - informal debate as if in committee; this committee may limit number or length of speeches or close debate by other means by a 2/3 vote. All votes, however, are formal.
- Appeal Decision of the Chair: Appeal for the assembly to decide - must be made before other business is resumed; NOT debatable if relates to decorum, violation of rules or order of business
- Suspend the Rules: Allows a violation of the assembly's own rules (except Constitution); the object of the suspension must be specified
Bisons Football requires revenue from various sources to ensure that its program will be able to cover the expenses that are involved in operating minor football in our community. These sources of revenue may be found through fundraising, selling advertising, grants, or fees.
To assist parents and players in developing a greater understanding of when fees need to be paid, the following process should be followed:
Spring Season
- Fees
- A $200 registration deposit must be paid upon the registration of a player for the spring season. This registration deposit allows the player to participate in all team practices. A player is restricted from participating in any team activities until this payment is received. Payment may be in the form of cash or cheque. Postdated cheques will not be accepted.
- The registration fee must be paid in full by the 2nd regular season game. Payment may be in the form of cash, cheque, etransfer or credit card. In the event a cheque is returned for non-sufficient funds a $5 administration charge will be added to the registration fees. Once registration fees are paid in full, the player will once again be equipped and may return to the team.
- An equipment deposit of $500 must be received when the player being equipped. Payment may be in the form of cash or a postdated cheque dated for August 15th. This equipment deposit will be returned at the end of the season when all equipment loaned to the player is returned.
- If a player registers 2 weeks before the beginning of the season. Brings to the Registration Director financial circumstances which will prevent full payment by the set deadline. The Registration Director is to present the information to the executive for approval of an extension.
- Refund
- All requests for a refund must be made via the Refund Form which is located on the Bisons Football web site.
- $150 is non-refundable administration fee
- No refunds will be granted after the first game.
Fall Season
- Fees
- A $200 registration deposit must be paid upon the registration of a player for the spring season. This registration deposit allows the player to participate in all team practices. A player is restricted from participating in any team activities until this payment is received. Payment may be in the form of cash or cheque. Postdated cheques will not be accepted.
- The registration fee must be paid in full by the 2nd regular season game. Payment may be in the form of cash, cheque, etransfer or credit card. In the event a cheque is returned for non-sufficient funds a $5 administration charge will be added to the registration fees. Once registration fees are paid in full, the player will once again be equipped and may return to the team.
- An equipment deposit of $500 must be received when the player being equipped. Payment may be in the form of cash or a postdated cheque dated for October 31st. This equipment deposit will be returned at the end of the season when all equipment loaned to the player is returned.
- If a player registers 2 weeks before the beginning of the season. Brings to the Registration Director financial circumstances which will prevent full payment by the set deadline. The Registration Director is to present the information to the executive for approval of an extension.
- Refund
- All requests for a refund must be made via the Refund Form which is located on the Bisons Football web site.
- $150 is non-refundable administration fee
- No refunds will be granted after the first game.
Equipment return should happen immediately after completion of the last game. If a home game the equipment will be placed in bags and left in the dressing room. If an away game the equipment will be collected from the bus placed in bags and left in a dressing room. If a player is not returning by bus, the equipment should be given to the coach to be placed on the bus. Bags will be supplied by the board and members of the board will help with the equipment return if required. If player is not able for some reason to return the equipment after the last game, he/she has 1 week to contact the equipment directors to arrange return time.
In fall we do not have busing for away games so a set date for the return of equipment will happen within a week after the last game.
To ensure accountability to the BDFC membership it is important that we develop a proper purchasing protocol for the Board to adopt and place in the Policy and Procedures manual.
The BDFC Operating budget allocates a certain amount of money for each Director while the Vice Presidents have another amount for their global budget. These budget lines are intended to meet the needs of a Director on an annual basis. Registration fees,
concession sales, admission fees and swag sales are the revenue sources for the operating budget’s expenses.
The BDFC Capital budget is intended for purchasing items that are used for more than one year like helmets, shoulder pads, field equipment and relies on advertising revenue, foundations, government grants and fundraising to cover the projected expenses.
The problem the BDFC has as an organization is that the revenue stream occurs usually in the second, third and fourth quarter while the organization experiences expenses like purchasing chin straps, coaches’ shirts, jerseys and league fees in the first quarter. That is why we must be overly cautious with our budgets.
Purchases of items $350.00 or less that are operating expenses
- A Director who wishes to purchase a product or service that is $350.00 or less, shall advise the VP Finance
- The VP Finance and/or the executive will approve the purchase
- The Director proceeds with the purchase.
- All invoices are sent to the VP Finance who shall ensure invoice is paid within 30 days
Purchases of items that are more than $350.00 that are operating expenses
- A Director who wishes to purchase a product or service that is more than $350.00 shall advise the Board.
- The Board will recommend proceeding with the expense, delaying the expense, or rejecting the request
- Upon Board approval, the VP Finance will issue a PO for the service or product to the respective Director
- The Director proceeds with the purchase.
- All invoices are sent to the VP Finance who shall ensure invoice is paid within 30 days
Purchases of items that are capital expenses
1. A Director who wishes to purchase a product that is a part of the Capital budget shall advise the Board
6. The Board will recommend proceeding with the expense, delaying the expense, or rejecting the expense
- Upon Board approval, the VP Finance will issue a PO for the product to the respective Director.
- All invoices are sent to the VP Finance who shall ensure invoice is paid within 30 days
Quoting Procedure
- The Board shall send all existing products and services that have a value of more than $350.00 in a single purchase and are purchased in the normal operations of the Board to tender every three years. The tender process will include three quotes for each product or service with the winning bid receiving Board approval.
- The same supplier with the winning bid may be used to supply the product or service in this time frame without requiring additional quotes.
- However, if, in the opinion of the Board, the three-quote system is required due to any concerns of the supplier by the Board within this time frame, the supplier will be advised of these concerns and three quotes will be sought for the product or service.
- The winning supplier of the product or service shall receive Board approval.
- If a new product or service is purchased that has a value of over $350.00 in a single purchase within this time frame that product or service will require three quotes with the winning bid for the product or service receiving Board approval.
- Once Board approval is received for the product or service, the Director follows the normal purchasing procedure.
The BDFC accepts its responsibility to children, young adults, parents and volunteers involved in its programs and is committed to adherence to the following policy to support a sound, safe and healthy football experience in our community.
Due to the positions of trust that are inherent in active, high quality sports activities, volunteers shall be required to submit a Vulnerable Sector Police Record Check prior to occupying a position within the BDFC. This pertains to ALL volunteers involved in the operation of any BDFC activities, including board members, coaches, managers and all team or organization volunteers.
The answer is simple. The BDFC wants to do the best job we can of protecting participants and as an organization we are obliged to do everything reasonable to protect those participants. Educating participants, coaches, managers and volunteers about abuse and harassment is especially important but not enough. As soon as any organization opens for business, whether run by staff or volunteers, it has a responsibility to appropriately screen any person who will have access to vulnerable people.
All positions within the BDFC, including BDFC directors, all coaches, all managers and any other organization or team volunteer will require a valid vulnerable sector police record check as a requirement of occupying that particular position within the BDFC. The BDFC will supply a letter to the applicant to request the vulnerable sector police record check from their local police service and the BDFC will reimburse individuals for the cost of their police records check once a receipt is given to the BDFC. Individuals with past criminal Code convictions or pending criminal charges for certain offences will not be accepted for positions within the BDFC. These offences include, but are not limited to, the following with exclusion timeframes listed:
- Any type of sexual assault
- Invitation to sexual touching
- Sexual interference, bestiality, or sexual exploitation
- Procuring sexual activity
- Indictable criminal offences for youth abuse
- Any Court Order forbidding the individual to have contact with children under the age of 18
- Any convictions related to child pornography
Five (5) Years:
- Assault
- Any Weapons offence
- Conviction under the controlled drugs and substance act
- Criminal Driving offences until resolved through the judicial system
- Outstanding convictions or charges pending for any violent offence
- Charges pending for sexual offences
- Any other criminal offence as deemed appropriate by the BDFC Board.
The Police Records Check will be valid with the BDFC for two (2) years. Even though the Police Records Check is only required every two (2) years, all BDFC Directors, all coaches, all managers, and all volunteers will be required to fill out the BDFC Offence Self Declaration Form annually.
During their time as a BDFC director, coach, manager or volunteer, an individual is obliged to immediately inform the BDFC Executive if he or she is charged or convicted in a matter related to any of the above-noted offences.
All Police Record Checks will be retained by the VP of Business of BDFC for a period of 7 years. Once that period of 7 years has elapsed, the police record check will be destroyed.
Offence Self Declaration Form
All positions within the organization require a Police Check and Vulnerable Position Screening.
Definition of a Police Check and Vulnerable Position Screening: This search is for individuals who will be placed in vulnerable positions, such as teaching, and is required when working with children (under the age of 18 years of age), the elderly, sick or infirm.
Date of last Criminal Check: (if applicable)
I have had no convictions under the Criminal Code of Canada for which a pardon has not been issued or granted under the Criminal Records Act Canada within the last twelve (12) months.
I have a conviction(s) for offences under the Criminal Code of Canada for which a pardon under the Criminal records Act (Canada) has not been issued or granted.
Signature BDFC Witness
Dated this